
середу, 2 грудня 2015 р.

Мої розробки уроків

Урок №1

Тема: Englishmans home. The house and the room.

Практичні розвиток уміння розуміти та відповідати на запитання у відповідних мовних ситуаціях, розвиток уміння розуміти нові ЛО на слух, формування та удосконалення навичок володіння новим мовним матеріалом, удосконалення навичок читання тексту з розумінням основного  змісту, показ та пояснення нового мовного матеріалу;
Освітні розширити знання учнів про будинок та розташування предметів у ньому;
Розвиваючі розвивати мовну компетенцію учнів в умова роботи в парах, групи та при індивідуальних виконаннях завдань; розвивати уяву учні при виконанні різних мовних завдань;
Виховні Виховувати вміння працювати в групі та поважати думку один одного, формувати толерантне ставлення до традицій країни мова якої вивчається.

Обладнання: смайлики,карточки з словами, карточки з виразами, карточки з текстами, комп’ютер, картинки меблів, карточки з реченнями, пропис, підручник, аудіо записи пісень, фонетичний матеріал, карточки з новим лексичним матеріалом.

Початок уроку
І.Організація класу
1. T-Cl
Good morning children.
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, Good morning,
Good morning, I’m glad to see you.

Lets greed our gests.
Good morning

I’m glad to see you to.
Ann how are you today. Use smiles for you answer, please.
I’m …
(запитуються всі учні підгрупи).

(повідомлення теми уроку та цілей уроку)

Today we continue to speak about our house and our room. We will describe the room using prepositions and new wards that we have learned.   We are going to study some new words and to the end of the lesson you will be able to describe your own room with the help of plan.

II. Фонетична зарядка.
[ʃn]                               [w]                                [ə:]
Tradition                       what                              bird
Traditional                    where                                     girl
Nation                           wonderful                      birthday
National                        wardrobe                       furniture

Основна частина
ІІІ. Повторення вивченого матеріалу.
1. Т-Р123, T-Cl
·        Повторення назв меблів по карточках. Вчитель показує карточки діти називають слова. (спочатку по одному учневі потім всі разом).
Вчитель додає прикметники і діти перекладають вже словосполучення.

Let’s repeat the words from the cards.
Translate please into English …
старий комод, моя шафа для книг, це є буфет, гарний камін, великий коридор, чудове дзеркало, мамина шафа для одягу.

·        Повторення структур There is/there are … (на дошці розміщується зразок структури учні мають використати її у мовленні описуючи будинок по одному реченню кожен)
Tell me, please, about the rooms of this house using there is/ there are …

·        Повторення прийменників місця спочатку по карточка (прочитати – перекласти на укр.), потім описати предмети розміщені в класі використовуючи розміщених по класу прийменниках.

Next to, behind, in the middle of, under, near, on, in front of, above, in the corner, between, around, to the left of, to the right of

2. Work in groups (3 групи учнів виконують завдання на карточці з підручника с.39 Впр.2)
Open your books at page 39, exercise 2, please. Look at the picture and fill in the propositions in your cards. There are 10 sentences with missed propositions; you may use the word bank from your exercise. Then make up 1 such your own sentence, please.

·        There is an armchair …..(in front of the) fireplace.
·        There is a bookcase …. (next to the) sofa.
·        There are the chairs …. (around) the table.
·        There is a table … (in the middle of) the room.
·        There is a chest of draws … (behind) the TV.
·                 There is sofa … (near) the wall.
·        There are the candles … (on) the fireplace.
·        There is a picture … (above) the sofa.
·        There is a fireplace … (in the corner) of the room.
·        There is a vase …. (on) the chest of drawers.
(перевірка учні читають речення по одному)

IV. Time to rest
Let’s sing a song about the monkey.
V. Вивчення нових слів.
Here are the cards with new words. Lets work with them.
(вчитель роздає учням карточки з новими словами і учні читають за вчителем слова по кілька разів і перекладають).
The word
[ ‘fə:nitʃə(r) ]

T-P1 – P2 –P3 …
Translate into English using your cards:
Зручний, зручна кімната, моя кімната зручна, меблі, старі меблі, у цій кімнаті є старі меблі, традиція, українська традиція, ми маємо сімейні традиції, традиційний, традиційне свято, Різдво це українське традиційне свято, чудовий, чудовий день, сьогодні чудовий день.

ІV. Закріплення вивченого матеріалу.
Work in pairs.
(прочитати текст доповнивши його словами замість картинок) 

Read the text, use the words from the “word bank” instead of pictures. Work in pairs, please. Here is your partner … (розподіл учнів на пари).

“Simon’s  Room”.
Simon  wrote  a  letter  to  his  granny.   Read  the  letter.  Use  the  words  instead  of  the  pictures.
Hi,  granny!
We’ve  got  a  new  house.  Now  I  have the  room  of  my  own.  It  is  big.  There  is  a   in  the  room.  The  desk   is  near  the  window. There  is  a    on  the  floor.   On  the  right  there  is  a   
.  I  have  got  a  lot  of     in  it.  On  the  left  there  is  my  . There  is  a    above  the  sofa.  There  is  a    between  the  sofa  and  the  desk.  I  like  my  room.  Come to  see  our new  house!
Kiss  you, Simon.

Ward bank
Big window, interesting books, wonderful carpet, traditional bookcase, comfortable sofa, nice lamp, big shelf.
(перевірка учні зачитують текст по одному)

V. Time to rest.
Let’s thing a song about the house.

VI. Повторення граматичного матеріалу.
·        What types of questions do you know? ….. (General and Special)
·        How do we answer for the General questions?   …. (Yes or no)
·        What wards du you use for making General questions? …..
·        What wards do we use for making special questions?  …… (Special question wards).
·        What question wards do you know? …..

1. T-P1 – P2 –P3 …
Dived these questions in to two columns, please:

(на дошці розміщується назва двох видів запитань учні обирають запитання читають його то прикріплюють біля відповідної колонки)
General questions                                         Special questions
Is it a nice day today?                               What day is it today?
Do you like it?                                          How old are you?
Have you got a car?                                  Where do you live?
Are you a good pupil?                              Who is this?
2. T-P1 – P2 –P3 …
 (На дошці розміщується схема опора «Запитання – відповіді» учнів за якою учні дають відповідь на запитання вчителя стосовно речей у кімнаті).

Answer my questions about this house, please. Use the model on the blackboard.
Are there ….?
Is there…?

3. Workbook

Open please your workbook at page22, exercise 3.
You have to choose and answer.

(учні самостійно в зошиті виконують вправу, а потім зачитують її по одному щоб перевірити).

VII. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Today we continue to speak about our house and our room. We will describe the room using prepositions and new wards that we have learned.   We are going to study some new words and to the end of the lesson you will be able to describe your own room with the help of plan.

VIIІ. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

Open your daybooks and write down your home task, please.
·       WB p.23 Ex.2  - you have to fill in the wards that we have learned during today’s lesson.
·       Card – you have to fill in the model of the text with names of furniture, prepositions and adjectives in order to have the text about your own room.
Listen to my example, please.

This is my room. It is ….. (big/small) and …. (comfortable/ not very comfortable). There is ….(a table, a sofa, a computer, a book case….) in my room. There are …. (chairs, books, toys ….) in my room. In the corner there is a …. There is a …. in front o f the …. There is a …. near the …. There is a … next to the …. There is a …. on  the …  I like (don’t like) my room.

IX. Оцінювання учнів.

Let’s see how are you after our lesson … Show me please your smiles… Thank you. I hope you will be OK for the hole day and in each lesson.

And now your marks:
·        Excellent work
·        Good job
·        You must be more active
·        You have to learn better the words and phrases
·        Be more attentive
·        You should be more self-assured
·        You should work harder
·        That’s a good start
·        You’re really trying hard
·        I hope you will work better on the next lesson

Урок №2

 Тема «Їжа та напої».
Підтема «Вживайте корисну їжу»
Мета уроку:
 познайомити учнів з новими ЛО; тренувати учнів в аудіюванні та вживанні ЛО; удосконалювати навички читання та перекладу, усного мовлення;
розвивати комунікативні навички, мовну здогадку, уяву, пам’ять, увагу;
виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, повагу до вчителя, розширювати світогляд учнів на основі ознайомлення із культурою харчування,  дисциплінованість, виховувати культуру спілкування, слухання.

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting and aim. Привітання й повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. I think you’re well. I hope we’ll have a wonderful time together. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we are going to work at the topic “Food and Drinks”. You’ll learn new words and find out what food we must eat to be healthy, how to make your healthy diet and speak about the right food, our habits of eating.

2. Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
T: Now answer my questions:
How many meals a day do you have?
P1: I have three meals: the breakfast, the dinner and the supper.
T: What is your typical breakfast?
P2: I like a sandwich, porridge, eggs, cheese and a cup of tea.
P3: As for me I like sausage sandwiches and cocoa for breakfast.
P4: I usually eat bread and butter, eggs and juice for breakfast.
T: What is your favourite food?
P5: My favourite food is spaghetti.
P6: I like pizza.
P7: I prefer the fried potatoes and a bottle of Cola.
T: Can you cook?
P8: Yes, I can. I always help my mother cooking.
P9: As for me, I can’t cooking.

II. Основна частина

1. Presenting Vocabulary and Practice
Ознайомлення з новою лексикою: either, cornflakes, bones, vitamins, important, wealth. Учитель записує на дошці слова, називає їх, а діти повторюють за вчителем кілька разів, записують слова у словнички і самостійно  знаходять їх значення у словнику.
T: Today we’re going to learn new words. Listen to me attentively and repeat after me.
Example: T: Either
Ch: Either
T: We cannot live without food either.
Ch: We cannot live without food either.
T: Please, find the meaning of this word in the vocabulary. You see we use the word “either” in the meaning «теж, також» in the negative sentences.

T: Сornflakes.       Учитель показує малюнок із зображенням   та називає слово, діти повторюють кілька разів і записують значення слова у словник.

Ch: Сornflakes
Т: I think that you’ve guessed the meaning of this word and many of you like cornflakes.

T: Bones. Учитель показує малюнок із зображенням та називає слово, діти повторюють кілька разів і записують значення слова у словник.
Ch: Bones.
T: You see, vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, cheese make our bones and teeth strong.

T: Vitamins. Учитель показує малюнки із зображенням та називає слово, діти повторюють кілька разів і записують значення слова у словник.
Ch: Vitamins.
T: Vegetables and fruit have got a lot of vitamins.

T: Important.
Ch: Important.
T: Vitamins are very important for our eyes, bones, hair and so on. If you don’t guess the meaning of the word “important” find it in the vocabulary.
Діти записують значення слова у словник.

T: Wealth.
Ch: Wealth.
 T: We often think that wealth is very important in modern life but good health is above wealth. We cannot buy our health at any money. That’s why we have to take care of our health. We have to go in for sport and of course to eat the right food.
Діти записують значення слова у словник.

2. Physical warm-up. Фізкультхвилинка.
2. Reading. Читання.
Читання тексту про себе.
Ex.2 pg.60
Text “Eat the Right Food”
T: Open your books at page 60 exercise 2. Your task is to read this text and say why it is important to eat different kinds of food.
Діти читають текст про себе і висловлюють свої думки стосовного того, чому потрібно їсти різну їжу.
P1: I think it is important to eat different kinds of food because it gives us energy and makes strong.
P2: We must eat different kinds of food such as vegetables and fruit because they have got a lot of vitamins.
P3: Vitamins also are important for our eyes, skin, bones, hair and for other parts of our body.
P4: Such food as meat, fish and milk help us to grow.

3. Writing. Письмо.
T: As you’ve learnt from the text that different kinds of food help our body to keep fit and to be strong and healthy, I think you can decide on a healthy diet for yourself. First look at the pictures of ex.1 pg. 60   and write down in your exercise-books:
-         What food do you like to eat?
-         What food is very useful for us?
-         What food isn’t useful for our health?
-         Make a list of your diet which must contain all the things we need, such as vitamins and minerals.
T: Now read your notes, please.
P1: As for me I like to eat sweets, chocolate, cakes and ice-cream. I know that the useful food for us is cheese, milk, eggs, bread, fruit and vegetables. Chips and sweets aren’t useful for us. So I made my healthy diet. It contains butter, cheese, cornflakes, bread, eggs, nuts, beans, fruit, vegetables, milk and sour cream.
T: Now you know that we must eat the right food. And all of you have to remember the proverb “Good health is above wealth”. (Діти повторюють і завчають прислів’я).

ІІІ.  Заключна частина уроку.
HomeworkДомашнє завдання.
Summarizing. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

Урок №3
Тема: Заняття спортом -  корисне хобі. Олімпійські ігри – це цікаво.
Практическая: Учить речевому взаимодействию на уровне предложения, навыкам поисковой деятельности во время чтения и аудирования текстов. Формировать умение обобщать лексико-грамматический материал.
Развивающая: Развивать логическое мышление, долговременную и кратковременную память, слуховой контроль, способность к догадке.
Воспитательная: Способствовать формированию понятия «Здоровый способ жизни», воспитывать интерес к мировой истории спортивного движения.
Equipment: topical pictures, cards for vocabulary individual and group work, copies of the text “Teenagers think so”.
Формы и методы учебной деятельности: индивидуальная, парная и фронтальная работа с группой (классом). «Ассоцативный куст», «Крестики-нолики», тестирование и взаимоконтроль,
Задачи: Закрепить употребление лексического материала по теме в устной и письменной речи. Углубить знания об Олимпийских играх через аудирование текста.
I.                   GREETING
II.                WARMING-UP
T: I’m very glad to see you all being happy and healthy. What makes people healthy?  Look at this Spider Map and complete it.
Ps: sleep well; keep a diet, do morning exercises; eat healthy food; have regular meal; take care of your body; go in for sports.
T: You’re right. Sport is one of the things that makes people healthy. If you’re healthy you can learn and work, for some people it is a profession, for other people sport is a hobby. Answer the questions (Ex.5 p. 85).
1.                  Is sport your hobby?
2.                  Do you like sport?
3.                  What are your favourite sports and games?
4.                  Do you like to play games yourself or do you just like to watch sports programmes on TV?
5.                  Do you like team sports or individual sports?
6.                  How good are you at sports?
III.              INTRODUCTION and AIM
T: When I think about sport I imagine sportsmen. What do you imagine when you hear this word?
Ps: I imagine physical training lessons at school./ I imagine the football match. / I think about Olympic Games.
T.: So, during this lesson you’ll prove your knowledge in the lexical material in this theme,  learn about Olympic Games, share your opinions about sport in the life of people, train our grammer skills in Degrees of Comparisons.
T.: Guess what kind of sports I’m spoken about (ex 7, p.85).Then choose any kind of sports from ex.6, p.85 and make a riddle. Read this riddle to your classmates. Let them guess the sport.
T.: Let’s play a little. “Crosses and Rounds” – the girl’s team will be “Crosses” and the boy’s team will be “Rounds”. Choose the word, give the translation and make up a sentence with it. Write the sentence down.

Take part
Go in for
Keep fit
Be fond of

V.                LISTENING  (p. 159)
1.      Pre-listening task
T: To know more about the history of the Olympic Games you will listen and read two short texts. Guess the meaning of the words while translating the sentences:
-        Ann and Sara are friends. Their friendship is very strong.
-        The ancient people lived without TV, they even didn’t have good clothes.
-        A game between two or more games. At the end of this competition a winner gets a prize.
2.      While-listening task
T: Point out the kinds of sports which are in the text. Write them down into your copybooks.
3.      Post –listening tasks
T: Finish the sentences according to the text.
1.       The Olympic idea means…
a)      friendship and peace  b) friendship and cooperation   c) friendship and contribution
2.      Women …
a)      took part in the Games   b) couldn’t take part in the competitions  c) watched the Games
3.      The Olympic emblem has …
a)      four rings   b) five rings      c) six rings 
4.      The original Olympic Games began in …
a)      Italy       b) Russia        c) Greece
5.      The first Winter Olympic Games took place in …
a)      France   b) Britain   c) German
6.      We have Summer and Winter Olympic Games every …
a)      third  year    b) fourth year    c) second year
T.: Exchange your copy-books with your neighbour and check his work according to the key. Put one point for the right answers.
Answers: 1-b, 2-b, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a, 6-c. 
VI.             SUMMING UP
2 m-m
Задачи: Тренировать умения и навыки учащихся применять знания, полученные в процессе поискового чтения текста. Научить обобщать изучаемый материал.
I. READING (skimming)
 1. While-reading task.
T.: Examine the text (ex. 8, p.86) about the Olympic Games once more. What is wrong in the book? Find some differences with the text you have heard at the previous part of the lesson. (8 differences)/
2. Post-reading. 
T: Put the sentences in order according to the text and write them down. (Children get the cards.)
·         Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games took place in Britain.
·         The ancient Greek had no winter sports.
·         It was a great athletic festival.
·         The Olympic Games are the world’s greatest international sports games.
·         The Olympic emblem contains 5 rings.
·         Women couldn’t take part in the competitions.
·         The first Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 BC .
3. Conclusion
T: Imagine, you have just seen a TV program about the history of Olympic Games. Call your friend and tell him\her the main facts.
II. READING Pre-reading task
T.: Draw the lines connecting the pairs of opposites. Guess their meaning. Be ready to translate them in the text.
To lose
To ruin
To be alone    
To work off
to be active
To win
to build
To make friends
To keep
To relax

  1. While-reading task
T.: You’ll read 5 teen’s discussing the necessity of going in for sports. Choose from the list A-F what each one says about it. Use each letter only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. Match the number of the speaker with a letter.
Sp1 - What reason can I give for sport? I play in our school football team. It is a good way to meet people and to make new friends.
Sp 2 – In my opinion sport takes a lot of energy. It causes a lot of injuries. Sport makes you unhappy when you lose. And after all, it turns you off studying.
Sp3 – Sport helps me to relax and to keep fit after a hard working day. It helps to work off my extra energy. To have a healthy mind you must have a healthy body.
Sp4 – Sport builds character. It teaches you to be disciplined and organized in daily activities. It teaches you handle losing and winning. Sport makes men out of boys.   
Sp5 – I prefer to watch sports competition rather than take part in sports. To be healthy it is not necessary to become a professional sportsman. I go in for sports for pleasure, when I have free time.    

Sp1      Sp2      Sp3      Sp4      Sp5
It teaches you about life.          
B.     It helps you to meet people.
C.     It is not necessary to become a professional sportsman.
D.    It makes people into rivals.
E.     It makes you unhappy and causes a lot of injuries.
F.      It helps to relax.
Homework – Some foreign visitors are coming to your town. They want to keep their health and go in for sports.
-          explain what should they do to keep fit;
-          collect some information and pictures on “Sport facilities in my town”;
-          make a list of sport places and describe them; don’t forget the address.

3 m-m
Задачи: Актуализировать опорные знания учащихся по владению грамматическим материалом «Степени сравнения прилагательных». Формировать умение употреблять правила образования в английской речи.
I.                   GRAMMER PRACTISE

1. Divide the following words into 2 groups:
Adjectives forming their degrees of comparison using –er, -est
Adjectives  forming their degrees of comparison by placing more and the most before them:
Beautiful, interesting, strong,  young, small, short, plump, thick, important, cold, clean.
2. Write according to the model: Model: small – smaller – the smallest
Long, short, big, hot, nice, old, warm.
3. Choose the right variant
Ø   Sidorov is (the best, best) sportsman in the class.
Ø   Car – racing is one of (the expensive, the most expensive) kind of sport.
II.                CONCLUSION
1.      Summing up, commenting marks .
2.      Reflection – What have you known?
-          What was new for you?
-          Is it necessary to go in for sports?

Olympic Games
The world's greatest international sports games are the Olympic Games. The Olympic idea means friendship and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic emblem is five rings: blue, yellow, brown, green and red. The flag of any country has at least one of these colours.
The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 BC. It was a great music festival including competitions in six kinds of sports: run­ning, long jumps, throwing of discus and javelin*, wrestling**. The games were for men and children only. Women couldn't take part in the competitions or even watch them at the stadium. The first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens in 1899. The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games took place in Britain. Now we have Summer and Winter Olympic Games every second year in different countries. The latest Summer Olympic Games were in Greece in 2004, the latest Winter Olympic Games were in the USA in 2002.
9.           a) Match the kinds of sports with their definitions.
1.  ballroom                          a. hitting a small ball against the walls of a court dancing              b. moving with the partner to waltz and Latin
2.  squash                                    American music
3.  karate                               c. cross-country racing with a map and compass
4.  orienteering        d. a martial art in which they use the hands, feet,
5.  surfing                                    head or elbow
e. riding on a board on big waves in the sea
b) Can these sports be in the Olympics? Give each sport points: 2— yes, 1— maybe, 0— no way. Discuss with your partner.
Ø  Read the text and fill in the gaps.
Music is everywhere in our lives. We __________it on the radio, on TV, in the streets, in the shops and cafes, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. People buy tapes, go to different___________, visit concert halls and opera_____________. For someone music is just a ______________. He or she learns to play a ________________instrument at a musical school, sings in the choir (1) or tries to __________________music. For somebody else it's a profession. There are profes­sional _____________who sing alone or in a group, musicians (2) who play dif­ferent ___________ in orchestras (3), composers (4) who __________music, and conductors (5) who direct choirs and orchestras. The names of the best of them are _____________all over the world. Everyone knows such singers as Michael Jackson and Whitney Huston, Ruslana and Eminem. People in all countries _____________to music by such composers as Bach, Mozart.
Ø  Use do, play, collect with the words.
 ----------- chess
______computer games
____ postcards
____computer course
_____old photoes

Ø  Read the text and fill in the gaps.
Music is everywhere in our lives. We __________it on the radio, on TV, in the streets, in the shops and cafes, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. People buy tapes, go to different___________, visit concert halls and opera_____________. For someone music is just a ______________. He or she learns to play a ________________instrument at a musical school, sings in the choir (1) or tries to __________________music. For somebody else it's a profession. There are profes­sional _____________who sing alone or in a group, musicians (2) who play dif­ferent ___________ in orchestras (3), composers (4) who __________music, and conductors (5) who direct choirs and orchestras. The names of the best of them are _____________all over the world. Everyone knows such singers as Michael Jackson and Whitney Huston, Ruslana and Eminem. People in all countries _____________to music by such composers as Bach, Mozart.
Ø  Use do, play, collect with the words.
 ----------- chess
______computer games
____ postcards
____computer course
_____old photoes
Ø  Read the text and fill in the gaps.
Music is everywhere in our lives. We __________it on the radio, on TV, in the streets, in the shops and cafes, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. People buy tapes, go to different___________, visit concert halls and opera_____________. For someone music is just a ______________. He or she learns to play a ________________instrument at a musical school, sings in the choir (1) or tries to __________________music. For somebody else it's a profession. There are profes­sional _____________who sing alone or in a group, musicians (2) who play dif­ferent ___________ in orchestras (3), composers (4) who __________music, and conductors (5) who direct choirs and orchestras. The names of the best of them are _____________all over the world. Everyone knows such singers as Michael Jackson and Whitney Huston, Ruslana and Eminem. People in all countries _____________to music by such composers as Bach, Mozart.
Ø  Use do, play, collect with the words.
 ----------- chess
______computer games
____ postcards
____computer course
_____old photoes
Ø  Read the text and fill in the gaps.
Music is everywhere in our lives. We __________it on the radio, on TV, in the streets, in the shops and cafes, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. People buy tapes, go to different___________, visit concert halls and opera_____________. For someone music is just a ______________. He or she learns to play a ________________instrument at a musical school, sings in the choir (1) or tries to __________________music. For somebody else it's a profession. There are profes­sional _____________who sing alone or in a group, musicians (2) who play dif­ferent ___________ in orchestras (3), composers (4) who __________music, and conductors (5) who direct choirs and orchestras. The names of the best of them are _____________all over the world. Everyone knows such singers as Michael Jackson and Whitney Huston, Ruslana and Eminem. People in all countries _____________to music by such composers as Bach, Mozart.
Ø  Use do, play, collect with the words.
 ----------- chess
______computer games
____ postcards
____computer course
_____old photoes
Ø  Read the text and fill in the gaps.
Music is everywhere in our lives. We __________it on the radio, on TV, in the streets, in the shops and cafes, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. People buy tapes, go to different___________, visit concert halls and opera_____________. For someone music is just a ______________. He or she learns to play a ________________instrument at a musical school, sings in the choir (1) or tries to __________________music. For somebody else it's a profession. There are profes­sional _____________who sing alone or in a group, musicians (2) who play dif­ferent ___________ in orchestras (3), composers (4) who __________music, and conductors (5) who direct choirs and orchestras. The names of the best of them are _____________all over the world. Everyone knows such singers as Michael Jackson and Whitney Huston, Ruslana and Eminem. People in all countries _____________to music by such composers as Bach, Mozart.
Ø  Use do, play, collect with the words.
 ----------- chess
______computer games
____ postcards
____computer course
_____old photoes

Урок №4 
 План-конспект уроку
Тип уроку: Комбінований
Тема уроку:
Countries and Nationalities
Цілі уроку:
       Практична: 1)Навчити учнів розрізняти назви країн і національностей, вживати їх у мовленні
                             2)Навчити учнів працювати в парах
    Освітня: Сприяти розширенню загальноосвітнього світогляду за рахунок інформації з теми
    Розвиваюча: 1)Розвивати пам’ять, увагу, мислення
   2)Розвивати навички самостійної роботи з картками, таблицями.
   3)Розвивати інтегративні навички
   Виховна:1)Виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до міжкультурного спілкування
       2)Формувати вміння міжособистісного спілкування
Засоби навчання: дошка, робочий зошит (прописи), картки, зображення прапорів, комп’ютер.

Хід уроку
Етап. Прийом
Зміст роботи
Етап 1.
Початок уроку. Організація класу.
Бесіда з учнями класу.

Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Прийом1: Listening
Прийом2: Writing – matching
Прийом3: Reading

Етап 2.
Робота над лексичним матеріалом.
Прийом: Хорове відтворення назв країн.

Етап 3. Виконання вправ
Прийом1: Виконання вправи на уважність
Прийом2: Виконання завдань на повторення національностей.


Робота з картками

Етап 4.
Фізкульт хвилинка

Етап 5. Діалогічне мовлення
робота в парах, matching

Етап 6. Монологічне мовлення

Етап 7.
Етап 8: Завершення уроку
Прийом1: Повідомлення домашнього завдання
Прийом2: Підведення підсумків.
T: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning
I’m glad to see you!

T: I’m glad to see you too! Sit down, please!

T: Today we are going to continue our work with different countries and nationalities, that’s why today’s topic is “Countries and Nationalities”
T:First of all  let’s refresh in our memory how the children greet each other in different countries (пісня “Hello to All the Children of the World”) You should listen to the song and do the task. Gap filling! Look at the blackboard! As you see some gaps at this song. We are going to listen to this song just one time, so, be careful. Be ready to complete it after listening.
T:Come to the blackboard and complete the song!
Hello, bonjour, buenos dias,
G’day, guten tag, konichiwa,
Ciao, shalom, dobrey dien,
… to all the …  of the world!

We live in different places
From all around the …,
We speak in many different ways
Though some things might be …
We’re children just the same
And we all like to …  and … .

Hello, bonjour, buenos dias,
G’day, guten tag, konichiwa,
Ciao, shalom, dobrey dien,
Hello to all the children of the world!

We live in different places
From all around the world,
We speak in many different ways
Though some things might be different
We’re children just the same
And we all like to sing and play.

T:So after listening you see that we live in one big world. There are many different countries. You already know some of the countries. Refresh them in your memory! I am going to show you the flag of the country and we’ll name  the country all together. Let’s begin! (презентація)

T:So, I see now that you know the names of all these countries. Please, let’s do the other exercise. So, I’ll show you the flag and name this country. If I’m right, clap your hands. If not– stomp your feet!

T: So, we have coped with this task and now I want you to start your work with this table. In order to complete it, let’s refresh some information in our memory. Listen to me and complete the sentences.
e.g. T:We are from Ukraine. We are …
       T:They are from Spain. They are …
       T:They are from Canada. They are …
       T:They are from England. They are …
       T:They are from France. They are …
       T:They are from Italy. They are …

T:That’s good! And now look at the blackboard you can see the names of countries, nationalities and flags there. Please match them! And we have to complete the table. Put the word in an appropriate column. One pupil will work and we have to follow him. If you see a mistake – raise your hand to correct it.

T:Well done! But we have one more exercise, which is connected with different nationalities. Find 7 nationalities at this card. (презентацiя) Look at the slide and check your worksheet cards.

T: So, I see you are very tired! Are you?
Ps: Yes.
T: Let’s have some rest. Do you want?
Ps: Yes.
T: Let’s sing and dance.

T:We have a very interesting dialogue for you to work with. You have some sentences. Questions and answers. Match them. Let’s make up our dialogue.  
T: And now look at the blackboard. Let’s check your dialogue up. Read it together.  
-What’s your name?
-My name is Taras.
-How old are you?
-I am nine (9)
-Where are you from?
-I’m from Ukraine.
-What is your nationality?
-I’m Ukrainian.

T: Let’s act the dialogue! Look at the Blackboard and work in pairs. You have 2 minutes. (1 пара розповідає діалог)

T: Well done! Let’s sum everything up. I’m sure that now you can give us some information about yourself. Tell us your name, age, what country you are from, what your nationality is. Use the scheme.
My name is …
I am …(9)
I’m from …
I’m …

T: Good job! You are superstars! Now open your Workbook at page 5 and complete the table about yourself.
T: I’ve received letters for you today. And you should read them and find the information about the penfriend there: the name, age, city, country and nationality. Write that information at your notebooks.

T: So, today you were working very hard. Your marks today are …
T: Good, and now I want you to sum everything up.
What was the topic of our lesson?
What countries do you know?
What countries do you like?
What nationalities do you know?
What do you like/dislike at the lesson?

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